Hey everyone! I thought I would show you guys the past, present, and future of my truck, Lucario.
The vehicle in question is a 2006 Toyota 4Runner SR5 2WD with the 1GRFE V6.
The song that inspires the build -
I got my truck when I was a senior in highschool, my first car was a 1997 Toyota Rav4. Yes that is a fellow students Bentley in a highschool parking lot.
One of the first mods besides my passport radar and K&N intake was new tires as the factory dunlops were such crap, they only lasted about 15,000 miles but I wasn't easy on them, doing fast blast down Chase Hill, off-roading, peeling out, etc, etc. They were ok in the dry but in the rain they were terrible!! After much research I went with Bridgestones and they are still on my truck, they are very good imo.
I remember when I first got it I went off-roading after football practice/games, every weekend, just to have fun. I remember being the only 2wd truck when my friends who owned trucks had 4wd but always got stuck and relied on my 4Runner to pull them out.
I do miss off-roading but the one thing I hated was cleaning my truck up.
So I finally graduated highschool, funny story, I had learned about defeating the VSC/ABS on my truck so I tried it out once at this church thing I did brake stand there in 1st then took off, pissed of the head master and other members at the school and then at the school when I was going home. That was such fun. During the time off before I started my first semester of college I worked hard to get as much money as I could and finally came to a cross road. Buy an ARB bumper for my truck with FJ springs and shocks or buy the APR X1. I went for the APR X1!
So now I started college. I attend UTSA and their engineering program. Lucky some of my good friends from highschool also go to UTSA but they are in different fields. This is my good friend, Denno, 4runner. This was at the 1604 campus.
This was the view from my conversions class at downtown.
So after some time I went for sport edition headlights. They are tinted chrome instead of regular chrome, I like that. As well I installed my URD fuel pump with lots of help from my friend Torspd.
In the pursuit of making the most power I upgraded from my K&N intake to an AFE intake, as well as the NST intake manifold spacer.
Then came my long tubes, here they are nice and pristine!
And on Lucario! Not the best pic I know.
Next was my Limited grill and my painted mirrors.
Then came my oil psi and temp guages.
I still have lots more to sort threw both on my laptop and on photobucket. I'll keep updating. One thing I will say is that I love my truck as it has always been an adventure. Learning more and more about in and outs of vehicles, meeting new friends that share the same passion as I do, improving my skills as a driver both in auto x and the drag strip, using it as a benchmark to see what works and what doesn't. I am very happy with my trucks progress as well as my own.